Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pool Time!!!

We put in a pool this summer and found a floaty for the dogs.  Rex will float all day with me but Lily not so much.   A few times she has tried to jump out when the float gets to close to the edge. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Branson Adventure

Off we go to our next adventure with the dogs. We are driving to Branson MO and Lily wore her fancy dress for the drive.  

The dogs finally settled down in the car and both ended up on my lap.  I don't do well as a passenger so I took something to help with the motion sickness but it usually knocks me out.  Mike was soon driving in quietness; I'm sure he wasn't complaining about that.

Our first night in Brandson we got a call from the hotel asking us to come back because they had to move three people to different rooms because they were tired of listening to barking dogs.  She then asked how many dogs we had in the room????  Mike said, umm just two very small dogs and she said OH REALLY!!! because it sounds like a whole pack of dogs in there.  When we returned the dogs were going nuts and Rexie was trying to claw and eat his way out of the room. Not a big deal because I referred to the hotel as "murder motel" because it looked like something out of a 1960's scary movie.

Dogs at Table Rock Lake in Brandson MO

Horse back riding in Branson, beautiful in the fall.

Our cute cowboy that lead the way on the ride.

Long day walking and riding, poor Rexie was so tired he couldn't care less if Lily laid right on top of him for the ride back to the "murder motel".

11/2013 Brandson Adventure. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

New Adventure Coming Soon

Soon we will be off to a new adventure with the dogs.  I so need a vacation to destress from work which I have put in my noctice; it's time for me to make a change.  I am really hoping on this adventure we will have better access to be able to post.  For what ever reason in Virginia I could not hit any g4 or wireless connections.  

Over the summer we gave our deck a facelit and reconfigured the stairs, this was one of the last days we work on the deck while Rexie and Lily watched.  Below shows how we moved the stairs to the side  and in front of the hot tub.  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Virginia Adventure Please Don't End.....

We were suppose to leave and take two days to travel back home but we could not seem to find the motivation to drive north west instead we went back south east for more of this.....
We spent the second day back at the beach dreaming about never leaving here.  

During the summer months you are not able to bring dogs to the beach here so Rexie and Lily had to stay at the cabin during the day while we spent the two days on the beach.  I don't think they minded all that much this has been a lot for them to be up all day, they are use to sleeping all day while we work.  

Spotted dolphins not to far from the shore, at first I thought it was sharks until I heard someone say they were dolphins.  Really awesome to watch them playing in the water there had to be four or five of them.  

The ocean is so relaxing I really wish there was a way to pack it up and take it home with us....

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Virginia Adventure Scare

We almost lost Lily in Virginia this would not have been an adventure but a tragedy.  We came home late it was dark plus it was rainy.  We quickly ran up the cabin steps to let the dogs out to potty as Mike took the dogs out the door and down the stairs I grabbed the leashes and a flash light and headed down the cabin steps but not on my feet.  Yep, I went down the steps on my butt with a loud thump.  Mike turned around to see what happened and yelled are you ok? OMG! Are you ok, can you get up?  This got Lily freaked out and she ran thinking Mike was yelling AT me not TO me.  We searched  and searched in the dark and looked all over the camp grounds for her and could not find her.  I was so scared and freaking out thinking its dark, wet and she'll be cold probably eaten by wild animals in the woods that surround the camp grounds.  All I could think about was how scared she must be and she is in a strange place and what if she can't find her way back if she's not eaten by wild animals.  Even though I was in extreme pain, wet and tired I was determined to stay up all night and wait for her on the steps of the cabin till she returned. Mike finally got in the truck and went searching came back and said you have to accept that she is gone nothing we can do now.  When he returned he had left the truck door open and who came crawling back with her tail between her leg ready to jump up in the truck......yes, it was Lily!!!!!